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Dawn Williams Boyd

 I enjoy religious holiday music - the poetry of the lyrics, the way in which the intricate word play entwines itself with the majestic overarching music. I was reared in Catholic schools and the Baptist church, surrounded by mysteries neither institution could explain. Just one example, as mentioned earlier was the concept of virgin births. Another was angels. The ways in which angels have been represented throughout European art history - whether as cherubs or avengers - has always fascinated me. I never saw any that looked like me however, so I have corrected that error in these pieces.

Williams Boyd_q_I Corinthians 15_51-54_R

 I Corinthians 15: 51 - 54

68.5 x 47 inches                              2006

Assorted fabrics, cotton embroidery floss, ribbon, trim, lace, beads, sequins and brass masks. Appliqued by machine; embroidered, embellished and quilted by hand.

Williams Boyd_q_Swing Low Sweet Chariot_

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

64 x 45 inches                         2004

Cotton fabrics and embroidery floss, beads and sequins. Whole cloth construction. Appliqued by machine; embroidered, embellished and quilted by hand.

Williams Boyd_q_Hark the Herald Angels S

Hark, The Herald Angels Sing!

83 x 65 inches                                 2005

Assorted fabrics, cotton and metallic embroidery floss, beads, sequins, metal disks and lozenges. Appliqued by machine; embellished, embroidered and quilted by hand.

Williams Boyd_q_Ave Maria_RW.jpg

Ave Maria

70.5 x 35 inches                        2003

Cotton fabrics and embroidery floss, beads, sequins and cowrie shells.

Pieced and appliqued by machine; embroidered, embellished and quilted by hand.

For inquires please contact Fort Gansevoort Gallery at:

©Dawn A. Williams Boyd 2023. The rights to use the words and images on this website are reserved exclusively for the artist. They may not be used for any reason without the artist's expressed and written permission.

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